I do not intend for this blog to be about religion. This has just been on my mind lately and had to put it down some where. It will probably be one of a scarce number of posts involving religion so if it is a touchy subject, bear with me here I will write about other things.
I do realize that 78% of Americans are Christians. So most of you coming here to read this, might get offended. I would like to apologize for this. I'm really not trying to bash Christianity. I just would like to explain some things about Christianity that don't add up.
Before I go into the main point, I just now realized that many books, movies, and even some video games have had their stories picked apart and scrutinized as many people take it upon themselves to find plot holes.
I'm not one to do that, if I read a book or watch a movie, I just sit and enjoy. Picking apart a movie or book like that would just ruin the fun of it for me. I tried once, and I wasn't very successful in finding anything.
That being said I still found some problems in the Bible, I mean different ones on top of the ones already discussed a lot.
So first off many Christians say that you should live your live according to the "rules" laid out in the Bible, and that you should have faith that everything mentioned, discussed or noted in the Bible should be taken as a fact because, the Bible is the word of God.
But the Bible was written by people, who aren't perfect. The perfect word of God was written by imperfect people. The excuse is that God was communicating through certain people. God is supposed to love everyone as his child so why or how could he have picked a select few to write his words.
Also the books of the Bible were chosen by men as well. Apparently of other books were considered to be in the final product but were taken out. Which means one of two things to me, one, these people decided to leave out part of God's word when making the big book of God's word, or two nobody who took part in writing the Bible had help from God at all. The second part to me, is more believable.
You see the first main religion to use the Bible were the Catholics, from what I understand at least. If that is wrong I may have to reconsider some things but that's why I am writing this. Any ways the Bible was used first by the Catholic Church, which became one of the most corrupt, greedy, and wealthy organizations in the height of it's power.
So the Bible was created by people, edited by people and then those people told everyone else it was the Word of God.
Those same people became extremely wealthy collecting taxes in the name of God. Selling indulgences in the name of God, and by killing thousands of people who didn't believe in God. Now that seems to me like the Bible was just a tool used by the Pope and other high Catholics to gain wealth and power.
Not only in my mind is the Bible's purpose shady and not quite so clear, many of the facts that the Bible says are true, don't seem to be. The fact that the Earth is only 6000 years old for instance. I bet that was the common belief back during those times, the Bible wouldn't say anything otherwise or else people wouldn't buy it, and the Catholics wouldn't have their money and power. Now we have evidence of things on this earth that have been around much longer than 6,000 years and we also have evidence of when our Earth was formed and how. Basically the Bible is full of dated knowledge that was used to make people of that time period to make the whole picture more believable.
Nothing we have found out about our planet or about the Universe has been predicted by the Bible. If it were truly the word of the all knowing God wouldn't he have said some thing that we could prove now. If God put E=mc2 somewhere in the Bible, I would probably believe in him because no one in that time could have figured out that information.
That enough wouldn't completely convince me that God doesn't exist but that plus the shadiness surrounding its creation and purpose of the Bible plus the fact that it uses only information from that time makes it pretty clear to me that it wasn't a work of God.
There are other things that I have faith in that haven't been proven one way or another that also influence my decision, basically I have more faith in the following than I do in God:
I believe there are other life forms in other places of the universe
I believer there are other Intelligent life forms in the universe
I believe a UFO could have visited us but I doubt it. (with so many other planets to go why here)
My Uncle is a big believer in God, we get along greatly though and I do hear him out and try my best to keep an open mind when he talks religion. A couple years ago I said to myself I would rather believe in aliens than God, so I asked my uncle if aliens existed he said no because God only made us and Earth was his only creation with life so at that moment I officially stopped believing in God.
For any one who reads this I'm sorry if the quality of writing is poor I'm not used to blog writing quite yet. =]
Monday, July 27, 2009
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